Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Human Resource Management Essay - 1375 Words

Human Resource Management (Case Study Sample) Content: NameStudent IDInstructorDateProper management of the working environment and staff is important for an organization to attain the set objectives. Human resource management in various work environments majorly comprise of same underlying management models. However, some differences exist in organizations that use different core technologies (Itika, 2011). Turner Construction Company is an ancient construction company in New York (Wolf, 2002). Hewlett Packard Co., commonly known as HP, is one of the leading electronic manufacturing companies situated in the United States. These companies have different working environments and employ different core technologies in their operations. Turner Construction Company majors with structural technology while HP capitalizes on electronic technology (Lewis, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the differences in working environment and core technologies of these companies. In addition, the paper will also talk on the simi larities and differences in human resource management in these two companies. To begin with, the working environment of Turner Construction Company is often outside the organization. In other words, because the company majorly deals with construction of structures for which they have contracts, the employees therefore will be working outside the organizations structural boundaries. On the contrary, HP is an electronic company that needs an indoor highly specialized working environment that will allow for optimum manufacturing of electronic gadgets. Unlike a construction, company whose major activities are outdoors, HP conducts its function in a special indoor environment (Lewis, 2014). The second difference between these companies in relation to environment is centralization of working environment. Turner Construction Company works with a variety of customers that have contracted them for their services. That means, in a given period, the employees in the company shall have worked i n different geographical areas due to the mobile nature of their job (Wolf, 2002). However, unlike the mobile working environment of Turner Construction Company, the functions of HP Company happen in a centralized environment. This makes the operations of the company effective and efficient by allowing installation of resources needed in manufacturing of electronics (Wolf, 2002). The third difference is the nature and complexity of the resource used in the operations of these two companies. Hewlett Packard Co. mainly utilizes computer software and programs to program the gadgets they manufacture (Lewis, 2014). The major focus of this company each other day is to identify how to improve the programs and software of the gadgets they manufacture. Besides that, the company also aims at making their gadgets physically appealing and convenient to handle (Lewis, 2014). On the contrary, Turner Construction Company mainly utilizes natural resources in form of cements, water, sand and ballast to facilitate their construction purposes. The company employs little computer software and programming technology to carry out their construction activities (Frein, 2014). Lastly, there is a major difference in employee relations and working structure in the work environment. In construction companies, an architect provides all the consultation and guides other workers on what is to do and how to do it. In other words, intellectual domain of construction operations solely rests with one individual (Frein, 2014). However, in HP electronic company, different employees specialized in various fields of computer engineering exercise their autonomy. This is because electronic manufacturing requires software, programming, voltage regulation, image design and thus need for different specialties (Shina, 2012). Concerning their core technologies, electrical engineers are concerned with researching and developing ways of electrical power transmission and transformation aided by chips and mot herboards. This knowledge enables the manufacture of cell phones and computers that can send and receive voice or text messages (Shina, 2012). On the contrary, structural engineering focuses on the production of a meaningful product of entity through the combination of several singular law materials. In this context, a construction company combines cement, ballast and other construction materials to construct different structures. Due to the above differences, human resource management in these companies differs significantly. The recruitment, training and retention of staff are specific to activities they undertake. To begin with, Turner Construction Company majorly employs those people with academic qualifications in the construction industry. The federal law directs that construction workers should have the relevant academic qualification and licensure on specific construction project specifics (Frein, 2014). On the other hand, HP electronic company like any other electronic places much emphasis on creativity rather than academic qualification. The company identifies talent in the population, nurtures it with intent of promoting advancement in creativity within the industry. Secondly, professionalism and employee retention between these companies varies a great deal. Turner Construction Company often hires its employees on the temporary basis. That is, when there is a project or contract, there is recruitment of employees. On accomplishment of the projects set objectives, there is termination of contract between the employees and the company (Frein, 2014). However, HP Electronics Company hires its employees on a rather permanent basis. This is because production of computers and other electronic is a continuous process driven by the endless demand of the products by the growing population (Shina, 2012). In addition, HP electronic company and Turner Construction Company share some differences in the performance appraisal of their staff. Because much of the work in Turner Construction Company is project-based, performance appraisal of the employees is at the end of a give project or projects (Wolf, 2002). On the contrary, Hewlett Packard Co. recruits its employees on a long-term basis. For this reason, performance appraisal is at the end of a set period often at end of six months or a year. Unlike for Turner company which is project based, performance appraisal in HP company is time based. Despite these differences, human resource management in these companies shares some similarities. Both companies acknowledge the importance of a human resource manager, to deal with recruitment, training, remuneration and appraising the performance of the staff (Dessler, 2013). In addition, acknowledge the importance of a healthy working environment, fair working condition and motivation of their employees. The human resource manager will focus on planning labour needs and recruiting relevant staff, development of the staff, orientation of s taff, managing salaries, building employee commitment and evaluating performance of employees (Dessler, 2013). Secondly, human resource management in both companies emphasize on strategic planning as a tool of strengthening their competitive edge. Strategic planning aims at maximizing the companys internal strengths minimize its weaknesses to utilize external opportunities and counter external threats (Dessler, 2013). Many organizations in the current market have embraced strategic planning as the best way of minimizing costs and increasing profits. Nevertheless, it facilitates accomplishment of the set goals within the shortest time possible (Dessler, 2013). For these HP has established itself as among the best computer brands in the world (Lewis, 2014). On...

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